Scholarship Fund

​​​The Kentucky Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Scholarship and Continuing Education Fund was established in accordance with KRS 311B.050 for individuals seeking entry level or advanced education in the medical imaging and radiation therapy professions, and for individuals seeking non-degree education, such as structured education or limited x-ray machine operator programs.  ​ 201 KAR 46:100 establishes requirements relating to the scholarship program.

Applications are accepted between January 1 and April 1 annually; the postmarked date will be used to determine submission date. Applications postmarked after April 1 will not be considered. In addition to the application form, eligibility requires the applicant to submit a current resume or curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, official transcripts from highest level of education achieved, and a written statement describing the applicant's professional goals. Recipients receive a scholarship award not to exceed $1,500 annually.

Further information, instructions and application are available on this page.  Applicants should review all related information, including the contract and promissory note, prior to applying for the scholarship​.  Those selected for a scholarship will be required to sign the contract and promissory note.  

​Scholars​hip Forms:

KBMIRT Scholarship Application ​& Instructions  NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!!  Go to the Applications Portal to submit your scholarship application.​

KBMIRT Scholarship Fund Contract​​

KBMIRT Scholarship Fund Promissory Note


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